54001-1002 Speedo Cable Z650B2-B3 and Later z750 Twin with the 10mm thread on the speedo drive. Pattern Part made to OE spec
This is 37" long the std length if the caliper/s are fitted to the rear of the fork leg.
If the calliper/s are fitted in front the fork leg then you need 54001052ZP
54001-1002 Speedo Cable later z650 and z750 Twin
SKU: 540011002ZP
Only 1 left in stock
Part # = 54001-1002
Part Description = SPEEDOMETER CABLE
Model Count = 8
Z650-B2 78 650 Z650 STREET
Z650-B2A 78 650
Z650-B3 79 650
Z650-C1 77 650 650 CUSTOM STREET
Z650-C2 78 650 650 CUSTOM STREET
Z650-C3 79 650 650 CUSTOM STREET
Z750-B3 78 750 750 LTD TWIN LTD STREET
Z750-B4 79 750 750 LTD TWIN LTD STREET
May fit other models z1000A2-A3